Community Fund




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Yitz Moshel

Yitz Moshel

Chief Financial Officer

Prior to joining Community Fund, Yitz was the Head of Open Funds at Apex Group. There, he helped Tzur grow from 2 clients to over 300, ultimately leading to its acquisition. Previously, Yitz worked in hedge fund audit at Grant Thornton in NY and as the controller of Quadrant Capital Advisors, a single family office. Yitz holds a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems from Sy Syms School of Business/Yeshiva University and is certified as a CPA in the State of New York.

Yitz Moshel

Yitz Moshel

Chief Financial Officer

Prior to joining Community Fund, Yitz was the Head of Open Funds at Apex Group. There, he helped grow from 2 clients to over 300, ultimately leading to its acquisition. Previously, Yitz worked in hedge fund audit at Grant Thornton in NY and as the controller of Quadrant Capital Advisors, a single family office. Yitz holds a Bachelor of Science in Information Systems from Sy Syms School of Business/Yeshiva University and is certified as a CPA in the State of New York.
